Foot Care Tips for Women at Home

It is a traditional cliché that you can have a clear idea and person’s hygiene by just looking at his feet. The way you maintain your foot care, tell much much about your personal cleanliness. The health of your feet plays an inevitable role in the formation of your personal image in front of others. Therefore everyone wants to have beautiful and healthy feet. Foot is a part of body that is more exposed to sun , dirt and severe atmospheric condition. To have healthy feet , you have to take regular care of the with washing, soaking, scrubbing and above all moisturizing but like all the other body parts, there are no oil glands in your feet skin.

Read this article to explore more foot care tips.

  • The first step towards foot care is to wash it on daily basis with soapy water and rinse it off with cool water. Carefully dry the whole foot especially between the fingers because fingers is formed mostly on wet areas. Thereafter apply a moisturizing foot cream.
  • For a proper foot care, intelligently select the shoes that are comfortable and fits to the shape of your foot. Prefer to wear close and comfortable shoes instead of sandal on your workplace. If you want to wear sandal in daytime, do not forget to apply sun screen cream on your feet.
  • Soak your feet in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, twice a week. You can add shampoo, 1 fresh lemon juice, salt and ½ cup of white vinegar in this warm water. After soaking, thoroughly dry your feet with towel. Apply a moisturizer and wear cotton socks. This socking on regular bases will make your feet soft, clean and healthy. It will relax the swollen toes and heals. You can use pumice stone for rubbing on hard skin of heals to remove the dead skin.
  • Scrub your feet with a home made scrub cream i.e. mix crushed almonds in fresh milk. Use this scrub thrice a week. It will soften your feet and remove the dead cells of heals.
  • You can prepare a home made moisturizing lotion for your feet. Take 1 tbsp of olive oil, 1tbsp of almond oil, 1tbsp of wheat germ oil and 12 drops of eucalyptus essential/ fragrance oil. Mix all the 4 things in the dark color bottle and shake it vigorously. Apply this lotion after washing when thoroughly drying your feet.
  • To relax the tied fatigued feet’s after the hard work of day dip your feets for 15 to 20 minutes in warm water with salt in it. It will cleanse your feet and tone the skin as well.
  • Rub your feet with the freshly cut lemon skin. It will make your feet soft and the skin bleaching agent in lemon will remove the stains and marks on foot. It will also improve your skin tone.
  • You can massage your feet with mayonnaise and leave it for 1 to 2 hours to get extremely soft skin.
  • Foot care at home also improves the cleaning of toe nails. Trim your toe nails properly because untrimmed and badly shaped long nail will cause defects and will hurt badly in the shoes.

Follow the above mentioned suggestions to have beautiful and healthy feet at home.

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